
How To Get Rid Of Cobwebs (And Stop Spiders From Building More)

Spiders are messy tenants. These eight-legged creatures love to leave their food trapped and waiting for them, but they also like leaving their webs out after using them. 

So, if you’ve ever shared your home with spiders, it’s no wonder you’re struggling with picking up after them. Don’t worry! It’s not as complicated as it looks; here’s how to clean their pesky cobwebs easily.

Why do cobwebs seem to suddenly appear?

Sometimes, it may look like cobwebs appear out of nowhere, but this is not the case. If you find any sort of web in your house, it’s always because a spider put it there.

Now, as much as all webs might look the same to you, there is a key difference between regular spider webs and cobwebs: spider webs are still in use (as traps), and cobwebs have long been abandoned. That’s actually the reason you can see them, as they have been left to gather dust. 

So, having cobwebs is not only a sign of spiders but also a sign that you need to clean more thoroughly.

How to remove cobwebs from hard-to-reach places

Generally speaking, cleaning cobwebs and spider webs is a straightforward task as long as you can reach them. However, trouble comes when you can’t get to the high and hidden places where spiders usually build their webs. 

Here are a couple of tools that can help you have a longer reach:

Option #1. Vacuum cleaner

Vacuum cleaners were created to make your life easier with as many chores as possible, including cleaning cobwebs. All you need to do is attach a long wand to the vacuum for better reach. That’s it!

Option #2. Extended duster 

A duster is a more classical option for battling cobwebs and a good alternative when you don’t have a vacuum cleaner at hand. With a long or extendable duster, all your problems when reaching the web will disappear. 

Pro tip: You can also make your own duster by attaching a microfiber cloth or sock to a large pole or stick.

Is cleaning outdoor cobwebs different from indoors?

Cleaning cobwebs generally work the same no matter where they are. However, some things can be different for removing outdoor webs, especially if you have plants that some rough treatment could harm. If that’s the case, be gentle when cleaning them.

How to stop cobwebs from forming

Cleaning cobwebs may seem like enough at first, but the real issue is that they will keep showing up unless you also get rid of the spiders.

Here are a few options to help your home be spider-free:

Natural repellents

As with any other bug, using repellents is always a good option. While store-bought products work, natural alternatives are better since they’re less harmful to your household’s environment and plants.

You have two options if you want to make a natural spider repellent:

  1. White vinegar: Mix equal parts vinegar and water into a spray bottle. Then, spray the corners where cobwebs usually appear.
  2. Essential oils: Fill a spray bottle with water and a few drops of essential oil (peppermint, eucalyptus, citrus, or lavender work best). Then spray the spots where the spiders build their webs—you can also add a squirt of dish soap to help the oil mix with the water.

Seal your home

Another way to prevent spiders from building webs is to ensure they don’t get inside the house. The best way to do this is to check your home for cracks and small spaces and cover them up.

Clean often and avoid dealing with pesky cobwebs

When it comes to cleaning cobwebs, the best thing you can do is clean regularly. This way, you can stop the threads from gathering dust and the spiders from building more webs. 

Is that too much work? Our cleaning team at No More Dust Maid Services always follows a thorough checklist, including cleaning cobwebs. You don’t have to deal with these pesky creatures and their webs!

Check out our checklist and book now.

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